Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Having a Millionaire Mind

This past weekend, I attended a 3-day seminar called The Millionaire Mind Intensive by Peak Potentials. It was awesome and life changing. While the focus was on learning about our money blueprint, most of the principles can be applied towards other areas of our lives.

The one concept that I particularly liked was that most people feel they have to become a millionaire (or I should say multi-millionaires in this day and age) before they can reach financial freedom. But it is not necessarily so. To be financial free means that you have enough passive income to cover your living expenses. Now, if you can acquire or build businesses that generate passive income exceeding your expenses, then you are financially free without necessarily having to have millions of assets stashed away.

The other benefit of attending this seminar was the fact I got to meet some like-minded great people. Having a network of people who are focused on similar goals is one of the components of becoming successful.

I highly recommend reading the book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind.

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