Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Change is the Only Constant

Boy, just when we thought things may settle down a bit after Fed's takeover of Fannie and Freddie, the fiascals at Merill Lynch, AIG and Lehman just reminded me that we are still in the middle a major shift, not just in the financial industry and but also in the relationships between consumers and service providers. When companies like AIG with 150+ years of history and brand recognition go down in no time, you really start to wonder what the new paradigm will look like, and what kind of trust and relationship we will have with our service providers going into the future.

A year ago when the mortgage industry started experiencing the credit crunch, we started a marketing campaign called "A Scent of Change", which was a series of seminars that were meant to educate our clients about the major changes we were seeing in the lending industry. At the time, we had planned for that campaign to go on for about 6 months. But now, 12 months later, that theme still seems to be applicable. What does that teach me?

There are always external factors that will be thrown at us, which we can't control. But what we CAN do is focusing on the fundamentals so that we don't get blown away by the unexpected. For me, it's about taking care of my clients, building long term relationships, and keep working at my short-term and long-term goals - One Piece At A Time!

We can't time the market in stock prices or mortgage rates, but we CAN time progress in our own journey to success IF we have a plan!

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